Last Updated: September 22, 2017
Sen. Ron RichardWe have been dealing with the West Lake Landfill issue long enough. The time has come for the EPA to approve encapsulating the site so we can move on.
The West Lake Landfill issue needs to be solved. Moving the waste is not an option. It is time for the public and private sector to come to an agreement to bury the waste forever and to let the community move on.
St. Louis has waited decades for the federal government to deal with the West Lake Landfill, and we cannot spend decades more pursuing a lengthy excavation remedy. Unlike partial or full excavation — which brings significant or unacceptable risks for those doing the work, the nearby community, and the operations at Lambert airport — containing the radiological material on-site with proper monitoring ensures that this problem is handled in the least amount of time.
The best resolution for St. Charles County and for all of Missouri, is to encapsulate the materials at the West Lake Landfill without delay.
As the County Commission for Mercer County, MO we are gravely concerned with any proposal that would allow for waste, whether it be nuclear or any other waste, to be hauled across Missouri. As the elected representatives of Mercer County, we are acutely aware that our constituents livelihood is based on agriculture and our county’s natural resources. Anyone who would put these resources into jeopardy does not understand the gravity of their own proposal. One accident could potentially destroy or put at risk the same ground in rural Missouri our family’s have been farming and making a living for generations. It is completely unacceptable that a group of people could put at risk people across Missouri not even remotely connected to a landfill hundreds of miles away. If there is an issue with the landfill, it is our opinion a more responsible and scientific approach should be taken rather than digging up and hauling waste across Missouri’s many rivers, streams, prairies, towns and villages. We in Mercer County want to be on record firmly opposing this not too well thought out proposal.
My husband and I live on a farm in rural Missouri along with our three daughters. We agree with so many others that moving this landfill is not worth the risk.
The St. Louis region is running out of patience. The time to decide what to do at the West Lake Landfill is here. As a Franklin County resident, I prefer an option that puts a safe and quick end to the discussion — I support the EPA’s 2008 decision to cap the site.
The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association opposes the unnecessary excavation and dangerous hauling of materials through rural areas and supports alternatives that are safe and effective.
Moving the West Lake Landfill through rural Missouri puts people in danger. My staff and I do not need the added stress of trucks or trains hauling these materials for decades through our part of the state.
For generations my family has called rural Missouri home and for generations we have been stewards and conservators of our land. It is shocking to me that anyone would be so careless to think that hauling waste across Missouri is a good idea. Why should those of us who love our homes in rural Missouri be put in danger and at risk because of a handful of agitators? It seems to me that money could be better spent responsibly taking care of a landfill rather than endangering our beautiful countryside and trashing the generations of work invested in our rural communities.
I'm not changing my mind on the landfill issue. I signed on last year that it's wrong to move that stuff across the state, and I still feel the same way now. They need to keep that stuff where it is. If they dig it up, they are going to have more problems than they can imagine, and it won't be easy. I do not want it dug up and moved along I-70; it doesn't make common sense.
In 2014, Lafayette County Commissioners signed on with several other county commissioners along Interstate 70 to oppose the need to move a St. Louis area landfill through our counties. My associate commissioners (Gil Rector and Tracy Dyer) and I added our names to those who want the West Lake Landfill nuclear waste capped where it is. We do not want it moved through our area, a proposal that could be dangerous, certainly expensive, and one that could continue for decades. The EPA has said repeatedly that the radioactive materials should be capped, and we agree.
It is my hope the EPA won't side with environmentalists who don't understand the issue. Moving the landfill would be a big mistake and put more Missourians at risk, including those neighboring the landfill.
I'm very familiar with Missourians roads and rails. Digging up this landfill and moving it through rural Missouri would be long, dangerous and expensive.
I join others in Southwest Missouri asking everyone to consider the dangers of moving this landfill through routes like Interstate 44. This is a long, dangerous and expensive plan that puts us all at unnecessary risk.
As a physician, I have concerns with digging up waste and moving it across rural Missouri and through other states at taxpayer expense. The inherent risks are too great and I prefer the waste not be moved.
In looking out for the best interests of St. Charles County residents, I cannot support any proposal that puts hundreds of thousands of residents at risk by transporting hazardous waste for decades to come.
The National Waste & Recycling Association strongly supports the efforts of the facility owner, working with the state of Missouri and the U.S. EPA, to manage the closure of this facility in a safe and responsible fashion. The closure process is designed to guarantee that the waste deposited in the facility remains secure and the public health and environment will not be harmed.
I strongly support the Coalition to Keep Us Safe and the encapsulation of the radiological waste at West Lake Landfill. It is the best decision from the standpoint of health, safety, business and economic sensibilities, and it presents an approved long-term solution that can be undertaken in the near future. I ask that our federal and state lawmakers communicate their support for encapsulation to the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers.
I’ve always been a fighter. As a concerned resident and as mayor, I stood up for Ellisville and opposed unnecessary tax incentives for developers. Now, we all need to stand up for West County. We shouldn’t have radiological material trucked or trained through neighborhoods – and, worse yet, at taxpayer expense. That’s why I support the solution of encasing the material at West Lake on-site.
The radioactive waste at West Lake should be buried in Bridgeton, not driven through Warrensburg. All other options delay a resolution to this issue, cost taxpayers millions of dollars and increase the dangers in dealing with the waste - no matter where you live.
It would be disturbing if any of our natural resources would be accidentally destroyed by contamination. Before retiring as an office worker, I raised three children that were involved in scouts. We used to do many outdoor activities including a lot of camping. These resources need to be protected and not put at risk by transporting hazardous waste.
No matter where the landfill is, moving the waste doesn’t fix the problem. In fact, it can cause even more dangers. Let’s deal with it where it is: as a farmer and volunteer fire fighter, I know plans do not always work out as they should - moving these materials puts lives in danger.
I first got involved in politics to oppose radioactive materials coming through my district. It is safer to deal with the West Lake Landfill on-site, and I support encasement of the waste. Excavating the waste and hauling it through rural Missouri would be long, dangerous and expensive.
These materials should be encapsulated with the EPA approved plan, which poses less risk for all Missourians.
Our rural roads are already dangerous – we do not need to add more risks to our rural roads – especially when there is no benefit to those on either end of this issue. I support encasing the landfill where it is and resolving this issue permanently.
The EPA needs to act now on the plan to permanently encapsulate the radioactive waste at the West Lake Landfill. I have 25 grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; they all live right here in town except for a couple of the oldest ones. The last thing I want is to expose my whole family to a possible cancer risk. The health issues that could arise from exposing this radioactive material scare me. The fact that taxpayers would have to foot the bill to move it is ridiculous. We cannot afford to pay more on nonsense.
Working for the railroad for 28 years, I have seen my fair share of friends suffer from handling radioactive waste products. There were times we did not even know we were transporting it. Through the years, many trains have derailed, and friends of mine have paid the price. The EPA has the right idea; encapsulate this material and keep Missourians safe from the potential hazards of this toxin.
Why would we dig up, expose, and risk contamination of the general public by having radioactive material transported through our area by train or truck? I would think that it would be safer to manage the problem at the existing landfill in Bridgeton.
While serving in the Vietnam War, I was exposed to Agent Orange, along with so many of my fellow soldiers. My best friend from Indiana died from his exposure because nobody knew enough about Agent Orange and the long term risk. This could be the case to those in the areas that would be in the path of a potential transfer. Although I have already had my exposure, I am concerned for my children and my grandchildren. Often I wonder how the chemicals and other things we use today, and have used in the past, will affect them in the future. They deserve better, and we should make sure we minimize exposure to radioactive wastes. Encapsulation is the only acceptable option.
As a mother, I am opposed to the potentially dangerous material at the Westlake Landfill being transported through our communities near where children live, go to school and play, and where residents all along the route would be at risk to being exposed to potentially dangerous waste. The safest way to rectify this situation and protect our families is to contain and deal with the material on site.
Forty years is nothing in the shelf life of radioactive materials. It takes something like a thousand years to become inactive. Digging up and transporting the material at the West Lake Landfill and hauling it across the state is a dangerous idea that should be nixed from the start. Let the EPA continue to monitor it and encapsulate it so we know the dangers will be minimized.
It is safer to deal with West Lake Landfill where it is: this is the best solution for those living near the landfill and others throughout Missouri. Encasement, as the EPA has instructed, is the best solution for all. Moving it through rural Missouri is unnecessarily dangerous.
In my medical training as a nurse, I went through nuclear response drills for health care providers. The waste at the West Lake Landfill needs to stay right where it is. The long term health hazards that Missourians would face while transporting it would be unacceptable.
After spending thirty-five years as an electrician, I do not want to spend my retirement on more and more taxes, especially something as risky as this. Just the thought of being expected to pay for this type of unnecessary expenses gets under my skin. Accidents happen. Trucks wreck, trains derail. Why run the risk? That is why I support encapsulating the West Lake landfill.
I-70 is essential to Columbia’s economic growth. I cannot support an effort that wastes tax dollars and would make I-70 more dangerous for decades to come. I support the coalition and its efforts to encase the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton.
As elected officials and the governing body of Cooper County we write in opposition to potential plans to excavate and transport radioactive waste from West Lake Landfill through rural Missouri. We strongly support the Coalition to Keep Missouri Safe in its efforts to oppose solutions that are slow, dangerous and expensive. The Commission respectfully asks that the EPA and our federal delegation support plans for encasement not excavation.
If the material can be safely contained in another state, it should be able to be contained where it is now without the risk of moving it which will open up the people of Missouri to exposure and possible contamination through spillage.
Hauling radioactive waste out of a landfill and through rural Missouri is not a way to solve West Lake Landfill’s problems. The EPA’s plan to entomb the waste is appropriate.
To say I love and nurture the environment is an understatement. This is why I am concerned with a bunch of fanatics that want to dig up dangerous radioactive material from West Lake and transport it across our beautiful state. It is irresponsible to endanger Missourians, their families' health, our communities and outdoor recreation activities as well as tourism dollars, by trying to move a bunch of material already deemed safe and stable where it is, across the state.
The last thing Missourians need is for people to start digging up the West Lake Landfill and transporting it across the state. I think the whole idea behind that plan is absurd. The EPA has made a plan that would safely encapsulate it right where it sits, and it would not come at the taxpayer's expense. I cannot believe anyone would even entertain transporting radioactive waste.
No more waiting – no more delays. The EPA and the Army Corps must act now. They should approve the 2008 decision and encase the waste on-site. Then, they should make sure that unions do the work so it is done right. Protecting people and putting people to work – that’s a no-brainer.
We have enough concerns with safety on Interstate 70. The last thing we need is the addition of hundreds of trucks over several years hauling materials that would be safer left where they are – I oppose efforts to excavate and transport the West Lake Landfill through rural Missouri.
If not now, when? When are we going to implement a solution to the problem at the West Lake Landfill? It's time to encapsulate it and be done. We can't afford to wait! This is for the future for our kids, for our grandchildren, and for everybody.
While the current situation at the West Lake Landfill is unfortunate, I have never known the EPA to not go above and beyond the call of duty to protect people and the environment from dangers. The agency’s current plan to work with private industry to “entomb” the radioactive waste at the site and barricade it from other threats in the area is beyond adequate.
Now that I have retired, I do not get out as much as I used to. This leaves me with plenty of time to keep up on the national news. The recent incident in West Virginia with the ground water contamination greatly upset me. There is no need to transport toxic waste and risk any accidents that could lead to Missouri having a similar situation.
Hauling the radioactive waste through rural Missouri is not a proposal I can support.
When I moved here in 1995 from Michigan, I was not aware of the radioactive waste present at the West Lake Landfill. Had I known that it existed and that there was a possibility that it could be excavated and potentially expose me to toxic waste, I likely would not have moved here.
While I have deep respect for Rep. English as a fellow legislator and close friend, I can no longer support his resolution (HCR 3) regarding a landfill in the St. Louis area. That issue should be resolved locally; hauling waste from that site through rural Missouri is a bad idea.
This radioactive material is unhealthy, and if we left it dormant, then the current site provides for a better, safer haven for all Missourians. I believe if it is not broken, then don't fix it.
The current debate taking place about what will become of the toxic waste buried in the West Lake Landfill is unsettling. No good could come of radioactive waste being uncovered and transported across the country. Better to leave it where it is according to the EPA's plan, rather than risk any chance that these toxins could spread during loading or transport.
Over the years, research has shown that secondhand smoke is just as bad for your health as smoking. The chemicals in the air from a spill would be just like secondhand smoke. Encapsulation would be like putting up a "No Smoking" sign for the environment. It will benefit us and also future generations.
Digging this material up could release fumes or cause leakage, which is a terrible idea. For 40 years the EPA has been monitoring this waste material and has a plan to permanently encapsulate it to keep it safe. There is nothing to debate; leave it where it is.
I oppose efforts to dig up an entire landfill and move it through rural Missouri by truck or train. This issue would be best resolved where the waste is – not by hauling it through our rural area.
As a business owner, I make decisions based on the facts. A 2011 study found that encapsulating the material at West Lake Landfill is 10 times safer for local residents and workers than excavation. It is also paid for by those responsible instead of taxpayers. A cheaper and safer solution – I am all for it!
There are three lakes that are vital to Branson because they support our tourism, which is our number one industry. If something should happen to these lakes, it would kill Branson financially. With all the recent publicity about train derailments, it does not make any sense to move the radioactive waste from the West Lake Landfill. We need to contain it and leave it right where it is.
I firmly believe that having these trucks and trains transport this waste across the state is a very dangerous and bad idea. As the mother of three small children, we spend a great deal of time outdoors. We enjoy camping and spending a lot of time at Stockton and Eagle Rock. Our children love swimming in the lake, and the thought of this area being destroyed by potential waste pollution would be a great shame.
It would be nice to see the West Lake issue resolved forever. All of our state leaders need to work to fix this issue permanently and the efficient, safe and right choice to make here is to encase the waste where it is.
The discussion regarding transporting the radioactive waste at the West Lake Landfill concerns me. The EPA has decided the best way to handle this waste would be to permanently encapsulate it at the landfill. I agree with them; it seems risky, costly and time consuming to do anything otherwise.
My family is my life; I raised my children by myself after losing my husband. I am 87 years old and have grandchildren and great grandchildren now. The thought of any of them sharing the roads with truckloads of radioactive waste is distressing.
I oppose radioactive material being hauled through rural Missouri. The risk of an accident spilling this waste throughout other communities is reason enough to keep the waste where it is. We owe it to our constituents to keep the waste out of their neighborhoods.
The idea of moving up to 40,000 tons of soil is foolish. Before I retired, I worked at a limestone quarry and understand just how many truckloads would be needed to accomplish this feat. In addition to how long it would take, the cost would be astronomical.
This may be the first time I have ever agreed with the EPA. Why should taxpayers foot the bill to haul radioactive material through their streets and neighborhoods? We should handle the waste on-site and resolve this issue forever.
Activists are calling for the excavation of this waste, which is inherently dangerous because it increases the likelihood of radioactive release. This could compromise the health and safety of millions. Not only is the chance of a crash high, but shipments would make prime terrorist targets. I know many people are aware of the dangers of a possible contamination to our water supply, but many do not realize there are many other ways for them to implement these attacks.
The last thing we need is more danger on Missouri’s roads. I would not ask legislators from outside my district to try to deal with something like this, particularly since it is safer to resolve the issues at West Lake where it is.
Ignorance is not bliss anymore. Rather than paying for mistakes that we didn't make or asking other states to store our waste, we should encapsulate it now before major damage is done.
No matter how you try to move the soil, you will face the risk of contamination. Some of those toxins will escape into the open air. There is no way to load it without some of it scattering.
The first thought that comes to mind if the radioactive waste is excavated and taken out of our state is the potential for terrorism lurks too close for comfort. Retired vets like me from the Vietnam era are all too aware of chemical hazards and this risks they pose.
The possible risk of radiation exposure to residents means the site should never be excavated. Transportation requires careful planning, safety protocols, and research that would delay this important issue for far too long.
My house is in a rural area 50 miles away from I-44, which stretches from St. Louis to Joplin, and I would hate to see that stretch of highway used for transportation of these materials. I am highly against nuclear power as the disaster at Fukushima is destroying the Pacific Ocean and reaching California right now. It has impacted the value of the dollar and taxpayers are struggling with the price of goods. This could happen to Missourians if the materials are transported, and that is just not okay.
Our federal delegation needs to realize this issue is more complicated than simply transferring a project from one agency to another. Their decisions could result in excavating and transporting the entire landfill, which will make this an even more complicated issue for all involved. West Lake Landfill should be dealt with where it is and as soon as possible. This should be done by encasement.
No one knows what could happen if the radioactive junk is trucked across our roadways. There is no defined plan in place for it, and we do not know what type of disaster could lie ahead. Since it is already nicely tucked away and safe in the landfill, it should remain there permanently. Encapsulating it is the only acceptable option.
The fact that the EPA deemed excavating the radioactive waste at West Lake much more dangerous than encapsulating it is reason enough to keep it where it is. We simply can’t risk the health of our families and communities to move the material elsewhere.
The radioactive waste at West Lake should be dealt with at West Lake. I oppose efforts to transport the materials through our rural neighborhoods and communities - it is both dangerous and unnecessary. Following the EPA recommendation of covering the waste at West Lake is a far better solution.
At one time, my neighbors and I were under a boil water alert. Contamination from radioactive waste would be so much more severe and affect so many more people. It should simply not be transferred.
I support the EPA plan to handle the West Lake Landfill on site. Excavation and transportation will take decades with far too many risks. It's time to solve this problem where it is and that's why I support the Coalition to Keep Us Safe.
Transporting the radioactive soil at the West Lake Landfill to other states would be irresponsible. Accidents could occur, resulting in spills and contamination risks. My son is a firefighter with hazmat training and his department is always first on the scene. I worry about him enough already while he goes about his everyday duties and do not ever want to think of him dealing with a radioactive spill.
Hazardous waste is a subject I am quite familiar with because I retired from the U.S. Air Force and spent 37 years working in military hospitals. It does not matter where radioactive materials may be deposited; it will still be radioactive long after all of us have died. This type of waste is already scattered throughout the United States. Cover it up and let it be.
The proposal to excavate West Lake Landfill is extremely risky. In doing so, we would be unearthing a sleeping giant. Hauling this toxic load through the state and across the country makes no sense. Why should we dump our problems into the laps of the citizens of Utah or Idaho?
Removing radioactive waste from the West Lake Landfill and trucking it across the country is not a wise idea at all. Shipping by rail is not much better, but at least that would keep it off the highways. Either way, any accidents or spills along the way would be disastrous to the land and people. The risk of contamination is something we just cannot ignore.
I oppose excavating the West Lake Landfill and moving it through rural Missouri. We have enough dangers on our roads – let’s not add more. As a thirty-year retired law enforcement officer, I know the risks of moving hazardous materials on our highways and rail. Any type of accident could affect thousands of Missourians.
This has been a very tough winter for Missourians. We simply do not need anything more dumped upon us, especially if it is toxic.
The condition of the landfill and the radioactive waste hits very close to home for me. I have two sisters living close to the landfill, as well as many uncles and aunts. I worry about the landfill in its current condition, but digging up the waste presents even more distressing possibilities. It could potentially expose those who live around the landfill to the radioactive material.
The idea of radioactive waste being transported through the state of Missouri and potentially ending up in Idaho is frightening to me. It could hurt my grandchildren and children that I worked with as a school nurse. Missouri needs to take care of the radioactive waste at the West Lake Landfill in a way that is safe and permanent for future generations.
As a retired couple that feels our taxes are already too high, we should not be expected to take on the additional cost of having to have this waste transported. We feel that there is already too much wasteful spending of taxes as it is.
The fact remains that there is not a fool-proof solution for how to dispose of radioactive waste permanently. Encapsulation is, however, the best and most technologically advanced way that is currently available to us. Therefore, I see no good reason why Missouri should rely on old-fashioned methods like trucking and shipping by rail to handle dangerous substances such as these. It's risky, it's costly, and it just pushes this problem on to future generations by moving the waste to other states.
In January 1982, our town was devastated by massive floods. I was holding out four feet of water with barricades, but other neighbors were not so fortunate. If there is a toxic spill and our flood-prone town has another rainstorm that washes radioactive waste into the water supply or into people's homes, the result could be devastating.
I have a personal stake in this issue. I have children and grandchildren living on both sides of Highway 54. I couldn’t imagine having their happiness and safety put in jeopardy due to a toxic waste-related disaster.
We feel it is a dangerous precedent to dig up and haul materials from sites without scientific justification. It would be safer for Missouri's roads, rails and citizens including those in the Bridgeton area, for the West Lake Landfill to be encased – not excavated.
Over a period of more than 30 years, I owned a lumber yard and worked in construction. My business relied on a safe outdoor environment to build in and safe lumber to use for our construction projects. Not only would a toxic spill risk the safety of the environment around Missouri, but it would be bad for businesses that are based outdoors. We waste enough money already, and we should use our tax dollars to pay for projects that benefit Missouri rather than hurt our environment and endanger our citizens.
Sooner or later, the radioactive waste that is proposed to be hauled to Utah or Idaho is going to be a problem for people in those states as well. Rather than spreading this problem to other states, let's deal with it by following the plan to encapsulate and monitor the waste that the EPA proposed. That way, we are not digging it up and exposing the citizens of Missouri to it. Radioactive material is not something that we should mess around with, and it is best to let the EPA cap it off as they have planned to do.
As a retired law enforcement officer, I have no faith in the Missouri railroad system. During my time as an officer, I was called out to enough train derailments to know that transporting this waste by rail is dangerous.
When you raise livestock, you are well aware that the feeding supply for those animals is important to their health and well-being. Any contamination of the feeding supply due to a toxic spill could endanger our animals, and thus our livelihood. In areas like Elkland that are primarily farmland, it is critical that our water, soil, and air are kept free from potentially harmful chemicals that could destroy crop, hurt animals and endanger people's lives.
Many of our days are spent going to the creek, hiking, breathing the clean, fresh air and relaxing outside. I love gardening, farming and tending to the animals. Never would I want that to change, nor do I want to be concerned about the possibility of a toxic spill or accident that could impact any of my family members.
Even if Missouri moves ahead with an excavation and transportation plan, there is a strong possibility that residents in neighboring states will not be on board and would, quite literally, stop us in our tracks. It is not prudent to put a plan together that relies so much on outside cooperation, especially when we already have a strategy on the table that does not involve other states.
For 33 years, I worked in electrical power plants and then I became a mechanic. I am a hands-on person who understands the headaches behind disposing of toxic waste. Beyond the safety issues, the cost of digging up the West Lake Landfill and transporting the waste out of state would be unreal. Taxpayers like me should not be responsible for paying for this undertaking when the cheaper and faster solution of encapsulation is readily available.
My husband was a fire chief for 30 years and knows many people, both friends and people who worked for him, who are still in fire rescue. He was consulted in the past when hazardous material transports were moved through the Warrensburg area; we are well aware of how dangerous such transports can be and the potential damage that can occur in the event of a spill.
Missouri has the technology to encapsulate this waste and make sure that it does not cause a toxic spill because of a train derailing or a truck being hit on a major highway. It is not a good idea to dump this waste in the mountains of Idaho and Utah, only to let it hurt people in those states and contaminate the land and streams around the mountains. Encapsulation right in Bridgeton is the only smart way to go.
I handled many kinds of chemicals while working in a shoe factory years ago. The chemicals were strong, but they certainly were not as strong as the toxic chemicals that have built up in the West Lake Landfill. Not only do I want to make sure those toxins are never exposed to me, but I also want to make sure that people do not have to dig up or haul this waste and risk their own health.
Anyone living anywhere near highways passing through Missouri would be at risk. That includes me; I live right off of Interstate 70. If this is allowed to go forward, I really believe that it could impact the health of anyone living in Missouri. My husband is on oxygen to breathe; he does not need any environmental issues that could cause him even more respiratory problems.
Because I had two knee replacements, hip surgery, and heart surgery in the past three years, I am confined to a wheelchair. If an evacuation was required, it would be difficult for me to leave due to my present condition, and if I should fall, I cannot get back up. Though I have two daughters and other family in the area that could help me, they are 45 minutes away.
My wife is a secretary, and my daughter is a teacher for the school district in Lone dell. They directly see the impact of cuts on the education budget. Yet, Missouri is considering spending hundreds of millions of dollars on hauling radioactive waste out of our state. It does not make any sense to waste that kind of money, especially when the plan to encapsulate the waste is already in place and will be a cheaper and safer alternative. Hundreds of millions of dollars should be spent on strained school districts instead of on radioactive waste disposal.
As a proud Missourian, my initial reaction to the debate on the waste was to get it out of our beautiful state. However, there are just too many risks present in unearthing and moving this nuclear refuse. I have seen stories about toxic waste and pollution on the news, especially in regards to Japan. Although I am currently retired, I had some training about how to deal with toxic waste during my time working with the John Deere Company. My experiences and what I have seen in the news have informed me of the damages and risks involved in handling this waste.
As a retiree, I live on a fixed income and do my best to manage my expenses each month. Although taxes are fairly moderate at this time, the thought of increased tariffs due to excavation of the landfill leaves me with an unsettling feeling. At my age, I shouldn't have to worry about spending extra money over time to pay for something that is not my responsibility, something that can easily be resolved by simply following the recommendation that was made by the EPA to have the waste encased in a five-foot structure.
Working with my community's fire department, I have experience dealing with toxic material accidents. I've seen quite a few chemical spills in my position as a volunteer firefighter and I'm aware of the dangers they pose. However, the incidents I've experienced would pale in comparison to a radioactive waste accident. I wouldn't want it to happen anywhere near my family and neighbors.
Stockton Lake, White River, and various other creeks and streams are in this area, and it would be catastrophic if they became contaminated. Many of my neighbors use these waters for recreational purposes, such as fishing and boating. In fact, my children and grandchildren utilize them for this purpose. It’s for these reasons I oppose transporting the waste from West Lake.
Before retiring, I worked in production and manufacturing. That certainly does not make me an expert on the subject of radioactive waste. However, it is my understanding that this waste has been at the landfill for a long time. It is time to address this issue in the safest manner for all involved. In my opinion, the best way to accomplish this would be to encapsulate the waste at the West Lake Landfill.
This is a farming community, and any contamination could ruin the farmlands. There are lakes that supply some drinking water and ponds that some farmers use for irrigation. If something should happen due to a train accident on the tracks that are a mile north and east of here, it could ruin our drinking water supply and the irrigated crops. Some local bodies of water would be at risk that residents use for fishing and boating. At one time, I fished and boated, so the health of the water is important to me.
If the waste is transported, the Missouri taxpayer will have to pay for it. Although we are both retired, we still own and manage 62 rental apartments. Higher taxes could potentially make running a business more difficult. The EPA needs to do the job they have set out to do in order for us to be safe.
My husband and I enjoy taking walks along Lake Contrary. Those walks are important to maintaining our health. The cookouts and gatherings that I enjoy with my children, grandchildren and members of my church are also an important part of my life that I don't want to see gone because of a toxic spill.
Our residence sits along a big lake where my family and I fish and enjoy recreational activities. Not so long ago, there was an issue here over septic systems being dumped into the lake and we were concerned about the possibility of contaminants in the water supply. The very idea that radioactive waste can be brought close to my home and threaten our way of life is disturbing, to say the least. A radioactive waste accident would be a million times worse than any contaminants from a septic system.
As a retired chemical plant worker for Hercules, Inc. for 32 years, I learned many things in dealing with toxic chemicals. One cardinal rule was this: minimizing movement is the only way to limit the potential for accidents. In those 32 years, there were no accidents to speak of. That was in part due to stringent safety measures, as well as limiting the amount of movement of the chemicals.
Tornados rip through this state with a vengeance. Back in 2011, a category six twister ripped through my town. As of today, we are still trying to get things back to normal. Cleaning crews found debris as far away as St. Louis. It would take decades to fully relocate so many tons of waste at the West Lake Landfill, and during that time, more than a few tornadoes could show up to bully everything in their paths, spreading waste across the state.
My late husband and I had a place on Big River some 45 years ago, and I saw how toxic waste caused by dumping had an effect on that river. Today, it's so polluted that there is no way I would fish there now. I own 20 acres of land and it would be a tragedy if a possible nuclear waste accident were to poison our property.
Prior to retirement, my husband and I worked in an auto parts store. As a manager, I had to make smart decisions at times and I might have upset a few people. It is with an understanding heart that I ask for capping of the West Lake Landfill. It might not be the most profitable or popular option according to some activists. However, if the environment is exposed to radioactive waste while it is being transported, the ecological damage would add up to a devastating expense.
Because we already pay enough in taxes, it would be unreasonable to ask us to cover the bill for excavation over the next several decades.
Interstate 29 is just one street away from the complex where I live. That road is very heavily traveled and also very densely populated. I do not need to worry about toxic chemicals being transported past my home. An accident on I-29 would destroy the sense of community we have developed.
Whoever came up with the plan has not thought it through thoroughly. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you have radioactive waste stored safely at a location that presents no harm to the community or environment, then it's best to leave it there. The waste must remain where it is.
Excavating and transporting the radioactive waste from St. Louis will take time and money. Obtaining the finances for such an endeavor is bound to bring about a tax increase on all residents of Missouri. Raised taxes will hurt so many people, especially retirees like me who live on a fixed income. It is unfair that taxpayers would be burdened by paying for the excavation of radioactive waste.
Our community needs the landfill issue resolved. It is time to move from studies and analysis and to go ahead and cap the landfill where it is: all other options lead to more delays.
Keeping the waste where it is makes sense for all Missourians, including those living next to the landfill. As a taxpayer and rural Missourian, I oppose even the suggestion of digging up this entire landfill and moving it through rural Missouri.
As a mother living next to Interstate 70, I know the dangers of hauling this type of waste brings to our part of the state. I understand studies have shown these materials pose no risk to people living in the local area and it has been there for decades. I agree with local law enforcement and my county commission – we don't need the waste hauled through Mid Missouri.
As a Level 1 Certified Emergency Operation Center Manager, I know the risks involved with moving these materials by truck or by train through Missouri. Let's deal with the issue where it is and not increase the risk to all Missourians, including those living near and far from the site.
As a former newspaper editor in rural Missouri, I have read with great interest that some are supporting efforts to move radioactive materials through our state for no good reason. The safest option is to cap the landfill where it is.
I support efforts to encase the waste where it is – it is the safest and fastest way to resolve issues at the landfill.
My family owned a trash hauling business for decades. I am very familiar with solid waste. Digging up an entire landfill and moving it through Missouri is long, dangerous and expensive. The best way to deal with a landfill of this nature is to cover it with a cap. This is the best solution for those living near the landfill and the rest of Missouri as a whole.
As a small town mayor, I struggle to understand why another community would want to put themselves and others at greater risk by digging up an entire landfill and moving it through rural Missouri. I support capping the landfill where it is.
I drive on Interstate 70 often – I don't want to deal with extra trucks that may or may not contain materials that are hazardous to me. I'm no scientist, but it seems to me that we need to leave these materials where they are and cap the landfill to resolve the issue right away!
As a lifelong truck driver, I have driven hundreds of thousands of miles around the country and being based in rural Missouri, I know the roads in this state as well or better than almost anyone. The idea of having such an enormous amount of waste from a landfill carted across Missouri a terrible idea. Putting the road system, countless drivers and not to mention our countryside, lakes, rivers and streams in serious risk is unthinkable. The hazards of truck driving and hauling waste is a real issue and there would be serious consequences. This needs to be re-thought.
As Mayor of Bethany, County Seat of Harrison County, a town that has a major interstate highway going right thru it, I am very much opposed to the idea of waste being trucked across Missouri. This is a dangerous proposition that would put the entire state at risk. As a businessman myself, I can't imagine a greater waste of resources either. There has to be a better way that doesn't endanger the citizenry and environment of Missouri.
My family has been farming Harrison County Missouri since before the civil war. We have worked hard to be good stewards of the land the Lord has blessed us with for 8 generations. I can't imagine a worse idea that could endanger farmers livelihoods and our beautiful countryside than digging up a land fill and driving across the state with waste. No farmers work should be put at such risk, this is a terrible idea.
As a lifelong resident of rural Missouri I am 100% opposed to any effort to dig up a landfill and ship it across our state. This seems like the worst possible action and an enormous waste of resources. If there is any issue, it seems to me the company should be able to take a more responsible approach. Endangering everyone over a baseless fear is inconceivable and those who are responsible for such an irresponsible proposition should be ashamed of themselves.
As a 20 year member of the law enforcement community patrolling the interstate system in Missouri, I am very much opposed to any effort to move a landfill across the state. This is grossly irresponsible and seems like a disaster waiting to happen. There are a number of scenarios where this could endanger the lives and property of innocent Missourians and having witnessed such accidents I can attest to the gravity of the situation. This is an irresponsible proposal.
Having been raised in rural Missouri and now a public official, I take the welfare, health and safety of my community seriously. Any effort to truck a landfill across Missouri sounds wreck-less and dangerous. I can’t imagine who could ever think this would be a good idea, it will obviously ruin our environment and potentially endanger innocent Missourians for no good reason. This is clearly the work of people who haven’t thought the issue all the way thru.
Having owned a gas station in Bethany, which is right on an interstate, for nearly 30 years, I am enormously concerned about the effort by a small group of agitators to move nuclear waste across Missouri. The gravity of the situation can not be understated, one accident and tens of thousands of innocent people could pay the price when it seems to me there is no problem to begin with. We can’t risk this action, I’m acutely aware of many dangers in the transportation industry as my family and I, not to mention my community, are right at the heart of this.
As a lifetime avid outdoorsman I am appalled at the idea of having any landfill waste hauled across Missouri. There is little I treasure more than our natural resources, wildlife and land in Missouri. We simply cannot allow it to be put at serious risk by carting nuclear waste thru it. Missouri is one of the most beautiful states with an abundance of rivers, streams, prairies, timberland and even mountains. To jeopardize these prizes and nature is unthinkable. I want my grandkids to enjoy the same resources my family has enjoyed and conserved for generations.
There is no way of knowing what kind of a mess the community will have on their hands by digging up a landfill. It is a terrible idea to put themselves at risk and the rest of us along with them by trucking waste across Missouri. It isn’t fair for them to hold us hostage with their waste and put our health and environment at risk.
Considering this landfill is not affecting anyone negatively, it makes absolutely no sense to dig it up and certainly disturb what’s there. It seems to me these environmentalists are working against themselves by ensuring a danger to the environment with their plans. We do not want to see this waste trucked across rural Missouri into our communities. Let’s work on a workable solution to capping this landfill, this seems much more logical.
This desire to dig up a landfill is not a good idea. They would disturb waste that for all intents and purposes is not harming either the environment or residents of the rest of Missouri. I do not believe this is a good exercise for either the health of Missouri or a good use of a company’s resources when a more responsible approach to dealing with the landfill is available.
It seems to me that a much more reasonable and environmentally safe approach would be to cap the landfill rather than disturb something that has been in the ground for years. The ramifications of digging up a landfill is enormous to the environment and its simply not safe.
Considering this landfill is not causing anyone harm, I believe it shouldn’t be disturbed to cause almost certain harm to the rest of Missouri. I would be strongly opposed to hauling waste thru rural Missouri. People need to realize this will negatively impact those of us who are nowhere close to it right now.
Why don’t they leave well enough alone? It seems to me even the best laid plans go awry and something like this would have dire consequences. This needs to be handled more responsibly so that nothing gets into our atmosphere and causes serious harm to the rest of Missouri. Leave this landfill alone.
I would be greatly concerned if a waste facility was dug up in Missouri to be hauled across the state. It seems to me that a more responsible approach could be reached if there is a reason to be concerned. As a law enforcement official, I am responsible for the safety and welfare of citizens in rural Missouri and I take that job very seriously. I hope the folks who are pushing this proposal take the safety and welfare of Missouri just as seriously and start looking elsewhere for solutions.
I farm and hunt in Missouri for a living, any proposal to haul a landfill across rural Missouri should be made knowing full well that people like me could be affected. My way of life could be destroyed with one accident. It seems to me that's too much of a risk to make and a more reasonable approach should be made to resolve these issues.
It would be prudent for all parties involved in this matter to continue to rely on sound science. It appears to me the company is going above and beyond nearly any other landfill that I have ever heard in order to accommodate the needs of the community in a responsible manner. In addition, for anyone to suggest that moving a landfill across Missouri and thru our communities is alarming at best and dangerous at the worst. Having lived in the area and being familiar with nuclear waste issues, I am concerned that anything other than the sound science being applied could be considered.
It seems illogical to me that anyone would consider moving a landfill when such state-of-the-art technology and science is being used to manage the facility. The company is clearly working very hard to use sound science to manage this site. It is nonsensical to dig up a landfill and truck it across Missouri and across our back yards. What would it take to do that? Several decades I am sure. Would the community better appreciate an opened landfill for that long? I seriously doubt it.
From a public safety standpoint, I am greatly concerned with any attempt to force a company to dig an entire landfill and haul it across Missouri and thru our countryside. This does not make sense, especially considering the landfill is currently being managed utilizing sound science and technology. These situations need to be dealt using science not emotion.
I would oppose any attempt to dig up a landfill and truck it across Missouri and our communities. This seems to be a disaster waiting to happen and I would implore our elected officials to support the current efforts which utilize sound science.
Excavation and transportation, by truck or by train, puts my community and the rest of Missouri at risk. I support fixing the issue without putting it in the backyards of more Missourians. That’s why I’ve worked to create an resolution in St. Peters to reduce the speed limit of trains carrying these types of materials that are coming through my community. In addition, I plan to encourage other cities throughout Missouri to do the same. We simply can’t sit back and let this happen to our area if it isn’t necessary, without putting up a fight.